lundi 10 mars 2025

One picture a day challenge!

Last week, I went to my friend @agrasstory's place. As always, modelhorse pictures were planned, but I got a (crazy) idea to do one a day... here's the result:

Day 1 (sunday):

Girl trail - What did they see? Seems like Anne and her horse have spotted something...

Day 2 (monday):

Life in the fields - When horses enjoy sunshine in the pastures.

Day 3 (tuesday):
It takes a good horse to ride though storms... Coahoma kind of created one by passing over wildies.
Yes, I consider thoses OF (horse belonging to @agrassstory ) as props 😂 

Day 4 (wednesday):

Foaling season is around the corner... can you feel that spring vibe in the air?

 Day 5 (thursday):

With so many draft horse to show, the haras of passy is busy thoses days.
A well mannered stallion can stay focused when a mare passe by...

Day 6 (friday):

Last picture of the week...
Peanut Butter is interrested to see what the neighbor horses next to him are doing.

It was really a nice (but exhausting) challenge and I'm glad we were able to do it! And you, would you do this the next time you spent time with a dear hobby friend?

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