jeudi 19 mai 2022

Bright Light

If you ever have tryied pictures att the Mediterranean Sea on the French side, you know that blacklight is a thing you cannot avoid. Here's an assumed shooting with too much of it.


lundi 16 mai 2022

The Sea

This week, on instagram I did 3 days of intense posting around my sea themed pictures.
If the sea is not my own favorite, I must admit that it's an easy spot to have beautiful pictures and I would never say no to a shooting if it happends that I got there.

Do you like the sea? Here's a recap of all my sea shootings along the years...

-BENEATH THE WAVES (2016) - Port Cros/Giens Peninsula (Mediterranean Sea) 

-FOAM OF THE SEA (2018) - Le Coq (North Sea)

 -HELIUM SUNSET (2018) - Giens Peninsula (Mediterranean Sea) 

AISLING - Dream of Ships (2018) - Giens Peninsula (Mediterranean Sea)

ANIMATICS (2014) - Bredene (North Sea)/Mt Vallier/London/Rennes

DOLLASTIC (2014) - Bredene (North Sea)/Morvan/London/Carcassonne


Wich one do you like best? Would you like to see more sea?
Will do another recap on another thema next month for sure!

mercredi 11 mai 2022

Applause Me

Applause Me
Artist Resin Custom (paintjob by Jennifer L.Scott) on "Lucius". Painted 2018/2022 and sculpted by Emilia Kurila
Colour: Grullo, Blanket Pattern // Breed: Tiger Horse
Gender: Stallion.