dimanche 31 mai 2020

Shirtless Torso Calendar (a fabulous recap)

It all started as a 1st april prank, when we turned our forum "a world of Breyer" into "a world of shirtless torso"...
Glorious day.

Then as we all know it was a dream coming true for all of you, we did the Calendar with my friend Cléclème.

So are you ready for a year of Shirtless Torso?
(the calendar was posted on my facebook page month after month for a year)

samedi 23 mai 2020

Stupid Confinement Pictures 2

Stupid confinement picture n°8
Stupid confinement picture n°9
Stupid confinement picture n°10
Stupid confinement picture n°11
Stupid confinement picture n°12

I tryed really hard to run another batch of thoses, but in the end, I didn't really had the energy. Here's the pictures though.