jeudi 13 mars 2025

My work got selected for the Art of the Horse (by Stone company)!

I've entered my drawing Eunoia at the AOTH earlier this year, and yesterday the finalist were nammed. I'm one of them, and really gratefull for that.

The work entered represent the hope I got in my mare's recovery in our darkest hours.
(as a reply to the thema: harmony; the partnership between horse and a human, the relationship between artist and subject

-First picture is my mare before she headed to the clinic, at this point it's been a month that my vets were fighting for her. We found a piece of wood that got into her hoof and created an abcess, then an infection was eating down the navicular bone.

-Second picture (the one were she's laying), it's us in the first clinic that wanted to put her down and offered no more help.

-Third picture, is at the second clinic, that found that despite all the damages in her hoof, she could do with orthopedic shoes. She wasn't limping anymore.

-Last picture is her, living a happy retirement in the fields now... she wore hoof protection all the time to avoid her to loss an orthopedic shoes. She's living almost like nothing happened and does not show pain in a day to day basis. It's been 5 years now.


This drawing means a lot to me, as it express all of this and I'm glad it touched more hearts once again!
You can see all the finalists here!

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