Around 2019, I met Eva. She's got her (horse) riding instructor degree and was at that moment, willing to find people to gave them riding classes. As she was a long date, close friend of my BF it was obvious we'll have to met..., she gave me a few advice with Amira and rode her. Even if we didn't really knew each other, we became friends (not close friends, but good friends) pretty quickly.
Here's a picture I took of her and Amira
Here's a picture she took of me and Amira
A few time after, I moved location and I regretted we couldn't have more lesson together, but well that's life. I was happy to have met her and we didn't lost contact.
) I close the bracket
We are in spring 2024 and I'm about to have my knabstrupper back with me, with a unfinished training (Kalinka was still missing proper canter) and the need of a strong supervisory to enjoy my dream horse in secure. It's why, in the (very) few options I got, Eva came back in my mind like an evidence. So I contacted her, explaining my problem and she said she was willing to help. WHAT A RELIEF. The dream was back on tracks!
In may 2024 Kalinka moved stables, to get at Eva's place. Still far from me, but closer from Sabrina's place. And it's best than having her in a stable near me, were I don't know the professionals.
She started working on Kalinka, in order to know her and estimate the challenge, things clicked between them, she loved the mare. She even said she was really (really) willing to show her in dressage competition.
July 2024 we enter Kalinka du Granit Rose in a dressage competition in a nearby barn, for us, it's the fire test đ„... we both agreed that if she pass it, she'll pass everything. It was the perfect occasion to test:
-If she'll travel good with someone else than a professional transporter and in a small van.
-If she'll behave well in a place she didn't know.
-If she'll behave well with horses she didn't know and on a crowded ring.
-If she'll be zen and not stressed in the whole thing (cold-minded). -If she'll be appreciated by the judges, despite her unusual color.
Oh yes, we were excited to see what will happend! And I was excited at the idea that if she passes all this, she definely was more trustable that I though she was in regard of the catastrophic experience Sabrina has with her.
Kalinka definely was stellar on the transport, she didn't hesitated to hop on the van and patiently waited until she was unloaded in the unknown. She was not stressed at all about that new place, and was easy to handle to the warm-up ring. Even if she wasn't ready on canter, we saw she could do well.
First time ever in such circomstances and see how she goes...
Then it was her time to show, and she showed her best! Like she's done that her whole life.
Of course, the canter was problematic and she lost a lot of points with it, but we were so proud!
She got an encouraging note from the judges, everyone was happy about that day and she confirmed her good-minded attitude. It was truly my first relief about our future together.
Past that point, we started to built our relationship, I took riding lesson with Eva and really started to feel what will be our difficulties on saddle and what we needed to work together...
If Excalibur was definely too much cold-blooded for me (what a pain), Kalinka is probably a little bit too much hot-blooded for me. Amira was just the perfect in between, she was cold-minded with just what you need of blood to deliver the goods - it's just SO HARD to replace the perfect match for you, let me tell you that!
So well, I worked (still works on that) on getting more confidence and get used to that new way of riding (once again) and at least, I enjoyed it (still enjoy it).
What helped me the best were our hacking (trail walks outside)... I just discovered a good mare that you can trust, with a sure foot and that is not impressed easily.
In the end, the most problematic part is probably the aggressive/dangerous behavior she can show (rarely) in some very specific circumstances and that's why as she's more difficult on hand than ridden, I concentrate on relating the ridden part for now. But mostly, she's a doll and we are off a good start together - thank to Eva for that part of the job!
Our first real canter archieved! (january 2025)
I cannot wait to see what the future will brings us... I'm happy to have bet on the dream pony so far!
(bonus post with Kalinka second dressage competition coming soon đ )
Congratulations! You all have worked so hard,... You take good pictures, and make a good horse look great. I'm so glad to hear this part of your dream is coming true.
Congratulations! You all have worked so hard,... You take good pictures, and make a good horse look great. I'm so glad to hear this part of your dream is coming true.
RĂ©pondreSupprimerThank you! It's still not earned, but definely on good tracks!